Saturday, March 24, 2012

My husband said what?

Something interesting happened last night.

My 14yo, my husband and I were watching an episode of X-Files on Netflix. Part of it showed a meat plant for beef. Of course, it affected me, with my thoughts going, "What am I doing eating meat? Why have I not stopped yet?" (There's apparently a book out on our psychology around meat-eating. I should maybe read it.)  It was just disgusting. My husband, who has always proclaimed himself a definite meat eater, actually said a few things about it that showed empathy for the animals and then said, "It really gets you thinking."


My husband did NOT just say that, did he???

He did!

This is the first glimmer I have ever had that maybe, just maybe, I will be able to at least mostly "convert" my family to a vegan, whole foods lifestyle. It has really helped with the motivation factor to try to find some vegan recipes that they will like and to make them! There are some I would like to try, but I think I would like to make them as lunchtime meals for myself first before trying them on my family. I even have a rough plan in mind: 1 vegan meal the first week, 2 vegan meals the 2nd week and so on. If some recipes are flops with them, then I will probably have to double up a week (meaning, if it doesn't go so well with 2 meals in week 2, then do another week of 2 meals) before moving onto the next.

This has added a feeling of excitement, that I can make this change with less resistance. My son has been resisting more and more meats lately as it is, so it really is time to, if not take the plunge, then at least take a dip. ;)

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